Think back a bit. Try to remember all the Pixar movies that you've seen. Got it? Alright, out of all those movies how many featured a story centered around a female lead? Well, in case you can't figure it out, the answer's a big fat zero. Dawn Taylor at Cinematical blogged about an interesting article written on written by Linda Holmes which asked Pixar the difficult and, as Taylor pointed out, unpopular demand, Please make a movie about a girl who is not a princess." The article aptly titled Dear Pixar, From All The Girls With Band-Aids On Their Knees is an open letter to the Pixar people to create a girl-centric movie which doesn't immediately fall into some stereotype. It's a good read and it makes quite a bit of sense to me. I mean, Disney has pretty much got that princess thing covered, do we really need to see more? How about a real girl, like Ellie? Anyway, cheers to Holmes for throwing the gauntlet down.


  1. Adam Johnson Says:
  2. Pixar's first female lead will be a princess.

    Sorry girls, but your prince is in another castle...

  3. Stuart Says:
  4. Yeah, Dawn Taylor mentioned that at the end of her article. It's being directed by Brenda Chapman. Let's hope that it's a good one.


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