Media Fix Review: You, the Living

Read Shane's brief review of one of the coolest looking movies of last year "You, The Living."

Media Fix Review: Capitalism: A Love Story

He's at it again. Does Michael Moore's latest outing capitalize on the hype? Or does it fail with a capital F? Find out inside as Stuart speaks softly about a serious movie.

Movies At Home: Once

Our staff recluse Shane spent his evening inside with the bargain bin DVD Once. Was it music to his ears? Find out as our aspiring music editor discusses a movie were music isn't just the soundtrack.

Gamebino Review: 'Splosion Man

Welcome to Issue #1 of Gamebino Review. This week: Does 'Splosion Man live up to the hype or does it go out without a bang? If you're hungry for some platforming action then read Adam's explosive 'Splosion Man review to find out what food 'Splosion Man would be, and it's not flamin' hot Cheetos.

Gamebino Podcast

Join Adam and Stuart as they discuss all the latest and greatest video game news and gossip on Addicted to Media's flagship game podcast Gamebino. In this episode: What's all the fuss about XBOX Live Prime time? Midterm Report card and EVO 2009.

Media Fix Podcast

Want the latest scoop? Don't come here then. All we have is personalized movie news and biased reviews. On second thought, join us. Each week we discuss a new topic in movies which is sure to leave you scratching your noodle.

New T4 trailer! Spoilers ahead.

Posted by Stuart May 8, 2009 0 comments

So, don't click if you wanna stay a spoiler virgin.

This has just come to my attention: Terminator Salvation is PG-13. What? Can they do that? Sorry hard R fans. Looks like Warner Bros. is actually trying to make some big money with this one. But I guess it makes sense. The movie industry is a business, a fact unfortunate for those who like consistent quality in movies, and a business is always looking to make a profit. And you're not as likely to make a big profit if a portion of your audience is under 17 and can't even pay to see the movie because of an R rating. It's sad, I know. But they can always sneak in. As they always do anyway.
If this trend continues, will we be seeing even less big budget, sci-fi, action, hard R motion pictures? We got Watchmen, right?

Is This The 360's Wii Killer?

Posted by Adam Johnson May 7, 2009 0 comments

With E3 less than a month away, Microsoft has promised that their presentation at the trade show will "completely transform how people think about home entertainment".

Word on the street is that the long rumored XBOX360 motion-control interface will finally be unveiled to the public through the Zcam, "the first low-cost, consumer videocamera that can capture video with depth information and probably the first real challenger to Nintendo's Wiimote"

Here is footage of the Zcam in action from CES.

The technology looks incredibly promising, but is Microsoft willing to commit to motion-controls this far into the 360's lifespan, and at what price?

Again, E3 is just around the corner..

Shell-Phone Footage of Turtles in Time

Posted by Adam Johnson May 5, 2009 0 comments

This video raises many questions.

1. Is this child's (playing the demo) generation so far removed from classic arcade-style game play that he is totally oblivious as to how to properly "kick shell".

2. This footage reveals that the core game play is not a pixel per hit-box remake in the vein of R-Type Dimensions. In this video Leonardo has 8 different directions to slash, bash and slam The Foot into submission from. This re-imagining appears to be a tad faster than the original JAMMA jam. Will these alterations to the game mechanics make or break TiT?

3. The internet is buzzing with excitement for this game. Why hasn't an official announcement, complete with press pack (pics, trailer, etc...) hit the web yet? They are probably keeping their cards close to the chest because, A. they are letting us do the hype for them leading up to an E3 reveal, or B. the game may actually, well...Suck?

Expect to hear something from Ubisoft and Konami in the coming weeks.

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