Media Fix Review: You, the Living

Read Shane's brief review of one of the coolest looking movies of last year "You, The Living."

Media Fix Review: Capitalism: A Love Story

He's at it again. Does Michael Moore's latest outing capitalize on the hype? Or does it fail with a capital F? Find out inside as Stuart speaks softly about a serious movie.

Movies At Home: Once

Our staff recluse Shane spent his evening inside with the bargain bin DVD Once. Was it music to his ears? Find out as our aspiring music editor discusses a movie were music isn't just the soundtrack.

Gamebino Review: 'Splosion Man

Welcome to Issue #1 of Gamebino Review. This week: Does 'Splosion Man live up to the hype or does it go out without a bang? If you're hungry for some platforming action then read Adam's explosive 'Splosion Man review to find out what food 'Splosion Man would be, and it's not flamin' hot Cheetos.

Gamebino Podcast

Join Adam and Stuart as they discuss all the latest and greatest video game news and gossip on Addicted to Media's flagship game podcast Gamebino. In this episode: What's all the fuss about XBOX Live Prime time? Midterm Report card and EVO 2009.

Media Fix Podcast

Want the latest scoop? Don't come here then. All we have is personalized movie news and biased reviews. On second thought, join us. Each week we discuss a new topic in movies which is sure to leave you scratching your noodle.

Rest in Peace Mickey...

Posted by Adam Johnson May 20, 2009 0 comments

It doesn't get any more sad than this...

Wayne Allwine, the voice of Mickey Mouse for the last 3 decades, has passed away.

I was always fascinated with Mr. Allwine. I often wondered what it would be like to be the voice of one of the worlds most famous pop icons while still being able to live life anonymously. It should be noted that this man was an extremely hard and dedicated worker. Think of the various commercials, shows, movies, theme park rides, video games, albums, etc... over the last 30 so years that have Mickey Mouse on them. Every single one of them featuring this amazing man's voice.


Our thoughts go out to his family and his wife Russi Taylor who is the voice of Mickey's love, Minnie Mouse.

Hears hoping that this week a candle is lit at Disneyland in memory of this voice acting legend.

I realize that I'm (we're) biased; some things get more coverage than others, etc. Pixar's Up being one of those. In fact if you'll notice the post directly preceding this one you'll notice a loving picture of one of Carl in his youth, This doesn't really have any journalistic merit, it's about fan appreciation, or in this case adoration. Up looks great and with only 9 days to go until its release I'm more excited than ever. So I hope you'll excuse another Up post, or link rather, and remember that we're all just fans at this site. That being said, you are more than welcome to join us.

Anyway, The NY Times has a great article titled "Well-Rounded Boy, Meet Old Square" which is a description of some of the dynamics of the film, It's a good read if you're interested in this film and it will only reaffirm your anticipation. Also, there's a pretty cool interactive feature here. Be sure to check them both out.

Addicted to Media 2008,2009,2010

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