Media Fix Review: You, the Living

Read Shane's brief review of one of the coolest looking movies of last year "You, The Living."

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Media Fix Review: You, The Living

Posted by Shane Mar 23, 2010 2 comments

There are a lot of comedies out there. Most of them, I think, kinda sorta blow. But every once and a while I come across a few really really good ones (as a matter of fact, I think the best film of last year was Woody Allen's Whatever Works. Hilarious picture!). These kinds of comedies, "existential" comedies really, renew my faith in the genre and the medium of film itself.
You, the Living is a fantastic film, a visceral film, and somewhat tragic. But its tragedy with a funny outfit on. It covers a whole spectrum of human emotions and highlights all the potential absurdities of human existence: relationships, work, our hopes and dreams, and death. What good movie doesn't have at least a little something to do with mortality, right?
It presents itself in the form of shorts, stories within stories. There are a handful a recurring characters, ones that usually address, us, the audience, but for the most part you're only given a small glimpse into these peoples lives and then you never see them again.
The film itself also looks fantastic. It's very pale, very dreary. Much like some of the characters situations/lives. And each shot is a beautiful composition. The camera doesn't move that often, and there aren't a lot of editing cuts within a scene. Sometimes there are none whatsoever. A simple, but powerful, approach.
I don't wanna spoil it anymore than I already have, and I've exhausted my praise for this film, so now I leave you with only this command: SEE THIS MOVIE.

Addicted to Media 2008,2009,2010

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