Media Fix Review: You, the Living

Read Shane's brief review of one of the coolest looking movies of last year "You, The Living."

Media Fix Review: Capitalism: A Love Story

He's at it again. Does Michael Moore's latest outing capitalize on the hype? Or does it fail with a capital F? Find out inside as Stuart speaks softly about a serious movie.

Movies At Home: Once

Our staff recluse Shane spent his evening inside with the bargain bin DVD Once. Was it music to his ears? Find out as our aspiring music editor discusses a movie were music isn't just the soundtrack.

Gamebino Review: 'Splosion Man

Welcome to Issue #1 of Gamebino Review. This week: Does 'Splosion Man live up to the hype or does it go out without a bang? If you're hungry for some platforming action then read Adam's explosive 'Splosion Man review to find out what food 'Splosion Man would be, and it's not flamin' hot Cheetos.

Gamebino Podcast

Join Adam and Stuart as they discuss all the latest and greatest video game news and gossip on Addicted to Media's flagship game podcast Gamebino. In this episode: What's all the fuss about XBOX Live Prime time? Midterm Report card and EVO 2009.

Media Fix Podcast

Want the latest scoop? Don't come here then. All we have is personalized movie news and biased reviews. On second thought, join us. Each week we discuss a new topic in movies which is sure to leave you scratching your noodle.

This Is It Tickets Selling Fast

Posted by Adam Johnson Sep 30, 2009 0 comments

If you were planning on seeing Michael Jackson's final performance in theaters, you might want to head down to the box office ASAP...

Tickets for the two-week only This Is It movie are selling fast, as posted on the official MJ facebook page.

Here's a clip from the film...

If you haven't heard about Paranormal Activity yet there's probably a reason. It's a small horror film from 2007 and it's recently received a very small release. It was written and directed by Oren Peli, an Israeli-born video game designer, who was formally untrained. The movie was made for only 11 grand which is pretty amazing the movie has grossed to date around 84,000 dollars. But it has a growing underground following and with the demand feature, which allows you to demand a screening for you city, you'll likely only be able to see it by doing its marketing for it. This is a pretty interesting business model from Paramount and I really hope it's successful.

As for the movie, I'm curious to see if it will be anything like the Blair Witch Project, which had a similar stylistic and marketing vibe.
The trailer gives quite a bit away. So don't watch it if you want to wait for it in theaters.

Super Street Fighter 4 Confirmed

Posted by Stuart Sep 28, 2009 1 comments

Rumors are all but confirmed. Destructoid recently pointed out that there was an odd website which looked very Street Fighteresque. The website has "the New Warrior" in its title I wonder what that could mean. We'll have more info soon, as it is to be expected that more details will come in around 4am.
Is that T. Hawk on the screen?
More to come...
Edit: Adam pointed me to these on the Neogaf forum.
More to still to come...

Here are he un-confirmed glorious details!

* The previously leaked characters are all said to be in the game. Dee Jay, T. Hawk, Dudley, Ibuki, Makoto, Adon, Cody and Guy. The new characters are rumored to be: o Hakan - An Arabic grappler obsessed with oil. o Juri - Evil Asian girl fighter working for Seth. * All characters will have two Ultras. They will both be available at one time, not selectable like with Third Strike's Super Arts. The commands to execute your Ultras do not overlap.
o It sounds like the characters from Third Strike are set up with their prior Super Arts. They had three in that game, so one will be their Super and the other two their Ultras.
o Gen has four Ultras because of his two fighting styles. One of these is said to be an Air Ultra.
o All characters still have one Super, except Sakura who apparently has a Shinkuu Hadoken (Super Fireball) as well.
* Some characters will have Air Ultras.
* The Bonus Stages will be returning.
* This will be an exclusive arcade release at least for a few months.
* An official announcement is said to be coming at the Tokyo Game Show and on the Japanese Street Fighter 4 blog soon.
* Expect the return of the many familiar Supers, and a few new ones like Metsu Shoryuken. You'll see the return of Chun-Li's Kikosho (Super Fireball), Gouken's Denjin, Sagat's Tiger Cannon (Super Fireball).
* Ibuki has a run command.
* Guile has his Sonic Hurricane move from Marvel vs. Capcom 2.
* Dudley has his Chain combos from Third Strike, plus one additional Chain combo.
* Cody is the only character with an Alpha Counter and he still has his knife. He supposedly needs his knife to perform one of his Ultras.
* Rufus can cancel-break the last hit of his Spectacle Romance, or the launch kick of Space Opera Symphony.
* Guy has his Chain combos.
* Makoto has her Tanden Renki Super from Third Strike.
* Zangief is said to have a 720 degree motion Air Ultra called the Siberian Blizzard.
* The game takes place one year after Street Fighter 4.
* Dudley was searching for his car in Third Strike, in this game he's searching for a rose.
* T. Hawk's storyline involves him protecting Juni or Juli.
* Dhalsim's new Ultra is called the Yoga Shangri'la.
* There's a new gameplay system called Tadan Saving, the phrase implies a multi-hitting or multiple-level Focus Attack.
* The console characters are all said to be added to the upcoming arcade release, with the possible exceptions of Seth and Gouken.

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