The last day of Captivate 09 has come and gone. Another set of fine presentations, and another classy dinner outing were the agenda for today.
Today's Schedule:Lost Planet 2- I cannot understate how epic this game looks. It has the potential to be the next big thing in the action game genre. I really enjoyed the first game, but it was definitely an acquired taste. It had some distinct elements scattered through a pretty decent action game. Lost Planet 2 looks to take those elements and root them into the most bad-ass action game ever made.
LP2 will blow you away. It is above and beyond what you're expecting, and above and beyond what the genre has seen before.I have a lot more to say about this game post media embargo, and I can't wait to find out more about it myself
Monster Hunter Freedom Unite-My first Monster Hunter experience ever, and it was a pleasant one. The scope of this game is way larger than I was aware of. Do you have a psp? Do any of your friends? Yes? Then it's time for you to get excited about MH:FU.
Here is a picture of MH swag for you to enjoy:
(PSP pouch, strap, charm, and other goodies)Resident Evil: The Darkside Chronicles- The first RE shooter on Wii was a really big surprise for me. It was fun beyond what I was expecting. Moreover, it was easy to pick up. My girlfriend, who has always enjoyed spectating the series, finally joined in on the action. You cannot put a price on blasting away zombies with your girlfriend. RE:DC throws away all of the minor shortcomings of the first game and ups the presentation by a considerable degree. The game is extremely cinematic, and is arguably the best looking game on the Wii (seriously).
After dinner we were invited to attend a nearby dance club, but I opted for the casino instead. I have a weakness for slot machines, and I didn't want to go home without hitting one up. Also, I'm a huge nerd for Star Wars or Indiana Jones slot machines.
I won 70 Euros. On a free trip. Amazing.
Thanks again to the good people at Capcom. It was great to meet the people that make this site so great. I have a lot of good memories, some new friends, and a lot of games to be excited about.
Please feel free to ask me any questions, and let me know what you want to read about.
Oh, and seriously, Lost Planet 2 is freaking epic.