CAPTIVATE: 09 Afterthoughts

Posted by Stuart Apr 29, 2009

VIA Andy:

The media embargo is finally over, and I can finally tell you about all of the great games you'll be playing in the next year or so. I'm sure that lots of sites will be inundated with screen-shots and movies, so this blog will focus on my personal impressions of the game, and hopefully provide a good fan's eye view of the action.

Spyborgs- I will actually be writing a more in-depth blog about this game a little later, so stay tuned for that. This was one of the biggest surprises of the event. I went into this presentation with no idea what to think, and the game didn't quite win me over until I got my hands on it a little later.

Remember when you and a friend would press start and beat up all the bad guys between point A and point B? Remember the feeling you got when you think you beat a giant boss, only to have it come back stronger and flinging missiles? This is a game for you. This game is a modern entry into the proud legacy of Capcom beat-em-ups. Throw in motion controls that are tasteful and intuitive, instead of obnoxious and tacked-on, and you have a Wii game for Capcom fans to get excited about.

Dead Rising 2- At some point in the demonstration for this game the protagonist, Chuck Greene, picked up a bucket with a bunch of power drills stuck into it. He then dunked this "drill-bucket" onto a zombie's head. What was left was a mess and a question: Will players be able to combine items to make super-awesome-custom-weapons-of-epic-violence? I asked Inafune San by way of Ben Judd, and he gave me the best non-answer I've ever heard. He said something along the lines of, "I cannot answer that question because we are not talking about any extra features today. But how often have you just stumbled upon a "drill-bucket". Get ready for custom mayhem.

Also, at some point Chuck drove a motorcycle with chainsaws duct-taped to the handlebars through a crowd of 7,000 zombies. 7,000 zombies is 14x the number of zombies seen at once in the original DR. To reiterate, 7,000 ZOMBIES ON SCREEN AT ONCE.

Photography is gone, but there will be new objectives to match Chuck's unique personality and skill set. In addition to PP, players can also collect money. Inafune San was coy about what players will able to do with the money stating "You don't eat money". My guess is gambling. There was a big SUV display in one of the casinos. Can we win that SUV in a jackpot and run over zombies with it? I sure hope so.

Dark Void- At long last, a videogame that gives you full control of a jet pack! I know the industry is relatively young, but it is about time. The game is really special in that you can really approach each mission in your own way. Players are given the ability to fly, hover, and run and cover on the ground, with seamless transitions between control methods. The controls are a little daunting at first because you are just given so much to work with. Once you have the hang of them, get ready for a new gaming experience.

Cool plot elements were teased, and what little music I heard was amazing. This game is on track to be an original, top-notch action game.

Bionic Commando- My exposure to the single-player was limited, but rest assured that there is swinging and giant Capcom bosses. The voice acting sounded a lot better than I was expecting too.

The multiplayer really left an impression on me though. Players start with a pistol and are free to find any of the weapons scattered on the map. What was cool is that you never had to reload. You either have a weapon or you don't. The swinging takes some getting used to, but pretty soon you're zipping into people and kicking them right in the face. Players are awarded more points for more stylish kills. Acrobatics and mid-air shooting are worth more that stationary sniping. I can see myself getting really addicted to the multiplayer. Try it for yourself tomorrow, when the demo hits!

Lost Planet 2- Let me get this out of the way: This game is, in terms of graphics, the best looking game that Capcom has ever made. Now onto the good stuff. I love Lee Byung Hun probably more than the next guy ("All In", anyone?), but he will not be missed in LP2. Players are given really robust character customization options, and the online matches should be full of really diverse pirates.

The campaign is now handing in 4 player co-op. When playing by yourself the AI will take over for your other 3 characters.

The level shown featured one of the largest enemies I've ever seen in a game. What really makes LP2 exciting is how it lets you fight these giant enemies. In most modern games that feature giant bosses, the player usually defeats them by way of some goofy mini-game controls. Take Marvel Ultimate Alliance. When you fight Galactus, you have to fight him with some goofy quick-time event button pressing. Zelda usually makes you do some cute trick to beat the bosses.

LP2 lets you take on the giant enemies your way. The player is really left to their own devices. Want to slowly waste the boss away with your machine gun? Go for it. Want to hop in a giant robot and take to the skies? Go for it. Want to jump in the enemy's mouth and fight your way through a river of crap before being violently ejected from the enemies backside? This is the game for you.

The camera is more zoomed in on the player compared to LP1 and new control options like dashing really help to make LP2 feel more exciting. This game really has the potential to be the next big thing in the action genre. It really is the coolest looking action game that I've ever seen. I cannot do it justice here, just wait until you see it.

Also, get ready for loads of new weapons, VS suits, enemies, and environments.

Monster Hunter Freedom Unite- This was my very first MH experience and I really dug it. The scope of this game is MASSIVE. There is so much to do. I am sold on this game by way of cats that perform a musical number for you while they're cooking meals that have unique status effects. Amazing.

Resident Evil: The Darkside Chronicles- This might be the best looking game on the Wii, no joke. The game is also incrediblycinematic. The camera really made the game feel more tense and exciting. Controls have also been streamlined a little bit. It looks like all the little problems that the first one had have been addressed.

I was really expecting more of the same with this one, but Capcom has really pushed the Wii to present one of the most gorgeous and tense games they've ever put out.

MYSTERY GAME #1- MARVEL VS CAPCOM 2- This is the MvC2 you know and love with widescreen support, HD support, custom soundtracks, and online play. The game really shines in HD. I noticed facial animations and little touches that I'd never seen before. Even Morrigan's tired old sprites shine. And thank God for custom soundtracks on this one.

MYSTERY GAME #2- Fate Unlimited Codes- I managed to somehow not get a picture of this one. I blame the fact that I had just met Jessica Chobot.This is a 3-D fighter with easy inputs and floaty movements. It plays like the long-lost cousin to Star Gladiator and Tech Romancer. It would have been right at home on the Dreamcast. It will be available as a download-only title on the PSP.

A new Moto GP and Ace Attorney spin-off were also announced.

Please feel free to ask me any questions, and let me know what you'd like to read about!


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