Off the Wall-E

Posted by Stuart Jan 31, 2009

The guys at the Pixar Blog are salty. And perhaps justifiably so, the internet is ablaze with angry Pixar fan boys foaming at the mouth ready to call bull shit on the Annie Award's decision to completely snub Wall-e, and award best picture to Kung Fu Panda. The thing is, I really liked Wall-E, but I also liked Kung fu Panda. The whole idea of one being better than the other is preposterous in the first place, but to imply that Katzenberg had anything to do with it may be even more absurd. I'm sure we'll being hearing more on this subject in the coming weeks, or at least until Wall-E gets crowned (which it will) the king of animation entertainment at Oscars this year.


  1. Unknown Says:
  2. There are two things to say here, and they say all that needs to be said:

    1) WALL-E has won a majority of the animated awards so far, but moreso has even for the first time ever for an animated film won multiple Best Picture awards.

    2) The members of the group that votes for this are literally people who pay for membership. That's not a lie, you can literally buy a ballot. Knowing this information, and considering that not only did DreamWorks sweep, but Pixar didn't win a single award, it should be blindingly obvious and not at all in the realm of the absurd.

    The Annies aren't a respected animation award. Everyone knows you can buy a ballot. Whether it was Katzenberg or DW as a whole doesn't matter, it's the truth.

  3. Stuart Says:
  4. 1) True. It was a great film.
    2) If I were setting up this little conspiracy I'd at least throw a bone Pixar's way, giving some believability/credibility to the whole operation. But that didn't happen. So yeah, maybe DW/Kberg got over zealous and put all the awards on their collective platinum at the risk of being "blindingly obvious." (I wonder, did Pixar do the same for all their Annie trophies?) Or perhaps the jury actually liked KFP better. You're right though, the Annies are not without controversey.


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