HD, 1080p, 240hz, what's next? 3D? Well, actually, yes. Sony announced Wednesday plans to blanket the globe with 3D televisions by the end of 2010 rendering millions of HD television, including yours, boring and flat. Don't think you need a 3d TV? Consider this, Sony is moving aggressively to establish 3D multimedia across many different platforms, including but not limited to their Vaio series, the PS3 game console and of course Blu ray movies which means that something you'll want will be offered in 3D. Of course the situation is messy right now and there aren't any standards as of yet which is very reminiscent of the early days of HD, but if Sony has their way it'll only be a year or so before you start to feel ashamed of your boring 2D television.

From Ft.com
Mr Stringer (Sony's Chief Executive) is expected to tell the audience: “Today, 3D is clearly on its way to the mass market through technology, distribution and content.

“As with high definition a few years back, there are a variety of issues yet to be addressed. But the 3D train is on the track, and we at Sony are ready to drive it home.”
Dig deep because it aint gonna be cheap.


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