This Week's Addiction: BattleField 1943

Posted by Stuart Jul 26, 2009

Hi everyone. Welcome to Addicted to Media's This Week's Addiction. This week, all I had on my mind, and my 360, was Battlefield: 1943. The game which is available for xbla, psn, and pc costs about 15 dollars. And from my experiences, is worth every penny. Even though it's not as in-depth or as customizable as other shooters there's still plenty here to keep you invested until the next COD comes out.

There are only four maps, one which is an all airplane map, and sometimes match making just plain sucks, but the ability to join up with squads that my friends are in makes me smile. The vehicular combat is pretty fun for the most part. I haven't really got the hang of flying yet, but I think there's a reason the designers made flying so difficult. Oh, and I especially like launching the air raids.

The ground vehicles roll pretty smooth; it's pretty awesome jumping in a movie jeep grabbing the mini gun and mowing down enemies. But what I really enjoy are the quiet parts. I love defending a base and, even though there's no activity around me, hiding in an vacant building waiting for someone to try and take the base.

The game rewards the player heavily for playing smart. If you come out guns blazin' you probably won't get too many points between re-spawns. And you need your points to level up, although leveling up doesn't really do anything as far as I can tell. My best strategy is to pick a place, post up, and if it gets a little to hot to hold the fort, skip to the next one. Firefights rarely pay off, I prefer to lay low. Maybe that's just my style.

When you can get a good match, this game is worth every penny. When you can't it's still fun to putz around world wreaking your own havock. For me this game is a budget conscious alternative to COD. I can still get my fix of combat without killing my wallet. And although it can be a time-sink, I can pick up a match here or there, and I don't have to devote a huge amount of time to learning it. So, go get it. I'm hooked.


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